Azure Hot Springs Mineral Waters

Desert Hot Springs is recognized worldwide for its rich, healing, natural mineral spring water


Desert Hot Springs mineral spring water is world renowned. Only 15 minutes from Palm Springs and 2 hours from Los Angeles, Desert Hot Springs is the only place in Southern California where you can experience pure, crystal clear, hot mineral spring water of this quality. Heated in Earth’s fissures, AZURE PALM’s mineral water emerges from the ground at 174 degrees rich with healing, restorative minerals. Our mineral water wells are the hottest in the region.


Thick and silky, it is rich with silica to soften and moisturize your skin. Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Lithium and hundreds of other important trace minerals are absorbed through your skin to relax your muscles and mind. While our miracle spring water maintains a high sulfur content it is completely odorless, soft and silky.


Soaking in mineral spring water has been a global healing practice spanning centuries from ancient Egyptians and Romans to contemporary cultures. Immerse yourself in the restorative properties of naturally heated hot mineral spring water. Our water promises relaxation, renewal and rejuvenation.


Heated in the earth’s earthquake fissures, our precious liquid bliss is drawn out of the ground, naturally cooled underground without being exposed to light or oxygen before being delivered to you.  Crystal clear, pure hot mineral water spills into the pools, spas and private tubs.  An unparalleled experience in silky rejuvenation.


The hottest mineral aquifer is located in an area of Desert Hot Springs called Miracle Hill. This tiny 6 block area is the source of the hottest and richest mineral water in southern California. It is home to a small number of highly rated resort spas.

The hotter the mineral water, the greater the mineral content. Azure Palm Hot Springs is located near the central, hottest area of miracle hill where our water emerges from the ground at 174 degrees.


AZURE PALM is at a special place in the heart of Miracle Hill, a small 6 block radius that is the source of abundant, mineral rich spring water.  In the 1960’s a hundred spas dotted the hillside and is still home to a small number of highly rated resort spas.  It is quiet.  It is beautiful.  The desert abounds and surrounds.

In October 1913, at the age of 30, Cabot Yerxa arrived in the Coachella Valley and began his homesteading journey with 160 acres in Desert Hot Springs.  In need of water, he dug a well near his home and struck hot water right outside his door.  600 yards away he dug another well and discovered the pure and delicious cold water of the Mission Springs Aquifer.  With hot and cold running water, he named his homestead Miracle Hill.  Azure Palm is located only a few hundred steps from Cabot’s original well.  A museum dedicated to the life of Cabot Yerxa is a short 1/4 mile walk from Azure Palm Hot Springs.

In 2020 Desert Hot Springs again captured the “Best Tasting Municipal Water in the World” Award at Berkley Springs International Water Tasting Contest.  Desert Hot Springs is the most decorated city in the world for its water.