Unless you have cleansed and detoxed your body then you most likely suffer from “Dunlap’s Syndrome”.
Your tummy DUN LAPPED over your pants!
On a more serious note…this is VERY SERIOUS!
Cleansing is the process of eliminating toxins from the body. In particular, cleansing removes the impacted toxic waste that is STUCK in the bowel (the large and small intestines). It is pure poison.
Detoxification is the natural process of filtering wastes from the cells, organs and bloodstream.
You will be jump starting your body into these processes in the most intensive and effective manner.
When you cleanse and detoxify physically you will also be doing so emotionally. You will be getting”unstuck,” in many ways.
The Rejuvenate with Jan Detox Cleansing Fast Retreat is much more effective and long-lasting that a juice fasting retreat. That is my humble however very experienced opinion. A juice fasting retreat has fruit juice on it and mine doesn’t. That is only one of the reasons.
- I only use FRESH ORGANIC Green Juice (juiced daily) for my program.
- I am going for life-changing long lasting results. That will not happen if fruit juice is used.

I had a great experience and as time went on I noticed everyone’s skin starting to look really nice. It was fun to meet people and see the changes everyone was going through. I definitely feel like I learned alot I can use for the future. The support was great and Jan is a wonderful guide though it all.
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